CrossFit Tri-County



Part 1

Power Clean + Power Clean + Jerk
Perform one set every 2 minutes for 20 minutes (10 sets)

Loading Guidelines:
Sets 1-2: 60% 1RM
Sets 3-4: 65%
Sets 5-6: 70%
Sets 7-8: 75%
Sets 9-10: 80%

If new to this lift, build to a moderately challenging weight, increasing weight every 2 sets

Part 2

“Open Workout 13.4”

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
3 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
3 Toes-to-bar
6 Clean and Jerk
6 Toes-to-bar
9 Clean and Jerk
9 Toes-to-bar
12 Clean and Jerk
12 Toes-to-bar
15 Clean and Jerk
15 Toes-to-bar
18 Clean and Jerk
18 Toes-to-bar…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.