CrossFit Tri-County



In teams of 3, complete 3 rounds of:
Partner 1: 200 meter Double KB Farmer Carry (32kg/24kg)
Partner 2: Row Max Calories
Partner 3: Max Distance Overhead Walking Lunge (45/35# plate)

The Farmer Carry is the rabbit. Once Partner 1 returns from the Carry, partners will rotate to the next station (Carry to Row, Row to Lunge, Lunge to Carry). Each partner will complete 3 sets at each station.

Score = Total Time minus One Second for every Calorie Rowed

* At the end of the workout, complete 30 seconds of holding a Front Plank (on elbows) for every time your team dropped the KBs during the Farmer Carries. (Keep track!)

Scoring: Time