CrossFit Tri-County


Monday, July 23

A HUGE thanks to all who helped us get to where we are today. Family & friends, we couldn't have done it without you












EMOTM 7 Mins.
Do 100m Sprint

Team WOD
In 20 Mins. Complete:
20 Weighted Walking Lunges (45, 25)
Partner B
AMRAP KBS (53,35)
Partner C
AMRAP Burpees

WOD Description
Partner A  – “Pacer” = Will do lunges while
Partner B = does AMRAP KBS and
Partner C = does AMRAP burpees

When A is back, A will do KBS, B goes to burpees, C goes to lunges. They keep rotating in this manner and accumulate total reps for KBS + burpees = score.

Post Score to Comments.

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