CrossFit Tri-County


In House Throw Down

The WODs and heat times for tomorrow’s team throw down will be announced this afternoon! There are 4 WODs that will take place tomorrow.

Athlete meeting will begin promptly at 8:00am, so please arrive prior to that. Judge’s meeting will take place at 8:30am. The first heat will begin at 9:00am.

You are responsible for your own warm up and mobility prior to each WOD!

Don’t forget that you will be competing in 4 WODs tomorrow. Bring food, protein (for post WOD), we will have water available. Please plan on being at CFTC until all WODs are complete around 2:00pm.

We will be having a BBQ after the Throw Down is complete, we hope you can stay!

1st Place: $50 Reebok gift card for each team member
2nd Place: 1 Bottle Fish Oil for each team member
3rd Place: 1 T-Shirt or Tank of your choice

Best Costume/Outfit/Face Paint: You will receive 3 points off your score at the end of the competition!

Best Team Name: You will receive 3 points off your score at the end of the competition!

The team with the lowest number of points at the end of the day will win. For example: 1st place = 1 point
2nd place = 2 and so on. If your team finishes: 1st, 5th, 2nd, 8th your score would be 16

The teams voted the best costume and best team name will have 3 points deducted from their overall score. Judges and coaches decide who wins these awards.

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