CrossFit Tri-County


Upcoming Events

chicksdigscarsFriday, February 14 – “Albie’s WOD”
On Friday, the day’s WOD will be in support of Albie Lomberto, Mark & Julie’s 4 year old son, who was born with several birth defects. Read about Albie’s conditions on their Facebook page, “Chicks Dig Scars.” We will be raising funds to support Jen Ellis (Albie’s Aunt) & Julie Lombert (Albie’s Mom) who are running the 2014 Boston Marathon in support of the Boston Children’s Hospital. We will have a place where you can make donations to this great cause.


chadvaughnSaturday, February 15 – Snatch Clinic
On Saturday, from 10:30am – 12:30pm, we will be running a clinic to clean up your snatch. If you feel like your numbers have plateaued, or you dread seeing snatches in the WOD, this clinic is for you. We will break down the group so you will have individualized attention and we will use the Coaches Eye app so we can review/critique your technique.


openThursday, February 27 – 2014 CrossFit Open
The first WOD of the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Open will be announced on Feb. 27. We will be doing the WOD on Fridays during class. If you haven’t already signed up for the Open, please do so now, and join the CFTC team! Click the link here to register. The Open is the first stage of the CrossFit Games and is something that everyone can do. Last year, we saw a lot of PRs during the Open! Join the team today!

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