CrossFit Tri-County


Thursday, 03.13.2014

20140312-221038.jpgAnna and Russ partnered up for the team WOD!

Over the past few weeks we have noticed that more and more people are getting sloppy around the box. Water bottles are left out, the bathroom floors are littered with paper towels and toilet paper. Please remember, this is your box too, so please treat it as such, so if you drop something, pick it up, if you brought something with you, take it home and please: clean up after yourself. We are your coaches, not your maids!

EMOTM 10 mins
Odd: 10 T2B
Even: 5 Clean & Jerks (135, 95)

Squat Cleans (155, 105)
Rest 1:00
3 Minute Max Cal on Rower

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