CrossFit Tri-County


Wednesday, 02.25.2015

For the Open WODs, in addition to having the Friday WOD being the open, we will be doing “Friday Night Lights” for each of the 5 WODs. This means that from 4:45 – 7:00pm, we will have open heat times for you to come in and do the open WOD, pushing against other people competition style. You will be responsible for warming up yourself and signing up for a heat time when you get in. It will be a lot of fun and is open to everyone, even if you aren’t signed up for the open. Bring food to eat for post WOD! If you can’t make it Friday, we will be doing the WOD also on Saturday at 10:30, this is when our coaches will be doing the WOD, so definitely come cheer them on! Sign up for the open today at and be sure to select CrossFit Tri County as your affiliate.

2-3 Back Squats @ 60% of 1RM

Bench Press (185, 135)
30 DUs

Please post your scores to the comments.

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